How do I search for or request an item in the catalogue?


To view the catalogue visit

From any page in the catalogue, you can start a search up at the top right. The default search type is keyword as its the most commonly used. Based on the number of key words you type, it can help you find and narrow results of what you're looking for. You can also use the dropdown to change to a different search type like: author or title. Once you’ve started your search, you can also use the filters on the left of your screen to narrow down criteria like: availability and format. If you’re on a smaller screen, you may need to click to show the filters. 

Once you find an item you want, you can check it out by visiting a library location where it’s currently available. If there aren’t any copies available, or if you want to have it sent to a different location or want to ensure it’s there when you arrive, you can place a hold. To do that, click on its title in the search results list. That will take you to a details page. If the library owns it in multiple formats (like book vs eBook), select the format and click "Place a Hold". You’ll get a notification when your hold is ready. 

  • Last Updated Mar 11, 2024
  • Views 47
  • Answered By Marcia Vona

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